Applications for All Summer Staff Jobs are not currently available! Please check back later this fall!


Summer Staff Calendar:

Coordinators Report 5/28/25

Camp Counselors Report 6/1/25

Junior Counselors Report Based on School Calendar

CITs Report 6/15/25

Summer Campers 6/15/25 - 7/25/25

All staff are off duty ALL Friday Evenings, Saturdays, and Sunday Mornings

Camp Counselor

Our Camp Counselors are at the backbone of serving our summer campers. Camp Counselors will spend Sunday through Friday forming relationships and facilitating fun with their family group of campers. Camp Overlook offers summer camp programs for children ages 7 to 18, meaning that any given week, camp counselors will be working with these age groups. Counseling assignments are decided by our Director staff weekly based on the needs of the week as well as the comfort level of staff. Whether a counselor is staying in a cabin with our ChrisKids or are leading Adventure Quest in cooking dinner over the fire; you will learn valuable skills as well as have a ton of fun! When called upon, counselors may be asked to help on support staff for a week.

Junior Counselor

Our Junior Counselors work in a very similar role to our Camp Counselors. Junior Counselors are high school age counselors that have at least 1 year of prior counseling or CIT training. They will work as counselors with groups as a 3rd counselor or as a camp counselor depending on group size. It is a chance for high school students to earn work experience as well as determine if being a camp counselor is something they want to do in the future. Junior Counselors will also work as support staff if they are not assigned to a group or with our day camp program.

Counselor in Training (CIT)

Counselors in Training (CITs) are high school age individuals who want to spend the summer learning and getting acquanited with counseling. CITs are individuals who are in their first year of wanting to pursue counseling or are wanting more training at the CIT level. CITs will be counseling our day campers as well as assisting on our support staff. On any given day a CIT will be counseling our day campers, assisting in the camp store, helping in the kitchen, and playing with our overnight campers. CITs report to training 2 weeks after counseling staff for 1 week of training followed by 3 weeks of CIT duty.

Adventure and Waterfront Coordinator

This coordinatopr role is for someone who is 18+ and lifeguard certified. Our Adventure and Waterfront coordinator is our primary guide to our Adventure Quest Program as well as establishing the rules and guidelines for our lake area. They will be in charge of adventure training counseling staff in how to make fires, cook over fires, knife safety, nature survival skills, and much more. This individual will be in charge of the lake area when campers will be swimming. They must be lifeguard certified adn will be considered the head lifeguard who's rules all individuals using the lake area must abide by. Experience at Camp Overlook is preferred by not required. This position requires attending training 1 week earlier than counselors and support staff as they will undergo coordinator training. 

Nature and Support Staff Coordinator

This coordinator role is for an individual who is 18+. The Nature and Support Staff Coordinator is a wide ranging position. The coordinator is reposnible for all nature programming that campers will participate in. They must be able to plan activities as well as lead groups in nature related programming. They must also be able to delegate responsibility to other support staff members. When tasks arise that fall under the responsibility of the support staff, it is the job of the Support Staff Coordinator to make sure that all aspects of camp that need support staffers are being manned. This position requires attending training 1 week earlier than counselors and support staff as they will undergo coordinator training. 

Programming & Arts Supervisor

The individual is in charge of all arts & crafts periods as wellas making sure that all programming isi lined up for the day. They will be responsible for creating or altering arts & crafts projects to tie summer programming into the arts period. They will be in charge of ensuring the arts area is supplied with materials for all campers over the course of the week. They will also be required to make sur ethat all aspect of programming for the course of the day are ready for use. This includes but is not limited to: moving skit materials from location to location, setting up games, participating in/creating skits, and ensuring all roles for worship night are filled by support staff. 

Day Camp Coordinator

The Day Camp Coordinator is a position made for those who are 18+. This position can be full or part time depending on the timing for the individual. The Day Camp Coordinator is supposed to create and implement a Day Camp program for day campers of the 1st grade and younger. They will be in charge of training the CIT staff in counseling tactics and making sure that they are trained to implement the curriculum for day camp. Their day camp staff will consist of the CITs that they have trained as wellas Junior Counselors as necessary. Prior experience at camp Overlook is not required but is preferred.

Kitchen Staff/Intern

This role is for anyone 18+ who would like to earn experience in an industrial kitchen cooking for large amounts of people. This individual is in charge of prepping and cooking food items as requested by the head camp cook. This individual is in charge of knowing and coordinating food service in the event that the head cook cannot be present, a director has a question about something food service related, and to help the head cook in anyway they deem as helping food service run smothly. This position allows for the individual to stay the summer on camp property performing only kitchen related tasks. The typical hours worked during the day would be 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM with 2 hours worth of breaks and meals provided.


Available in a part-time or full-time summer position, our lifeguards are to be 15+ years old and certified by an official lifeguarding organization. A part-time lifeguard would be expected to report to camp around 1:00 PM every Monday-Friday and leave around 4:00 PM (will change depending on the week). A full-time lifeguard can act as a counselor or support staff member and lifeguard only when needed by the Waterfront Coordinator.